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One Star Rating

10th October 2024


'One Star Rating'

I just had to giggle when I saw this recently posted photo.

How do you take your coffee?

I am sure that the Trip Advisor review hurt a little at the time, it’s never nice to receive negative feedback, but people’s reactivity to it has always fascinated me. I’d love to chat to the person who wrote this sign and had the courage to put it outside their café.

 There is absolutely no doubt that the negative feedback was read, it probably hurt and certainly caused REACTIVITY; but the feedback was owned, clearly digested, processed and reflected upon. There is so much emotional intelligence in this reply.

I doubt very much that an operating café only sells ‘the worst coffee of your life’, if it did, I’m sure it wouldn’t take too long for word to get around and for it to have to close its doors permanently.

Possibly the reviewer did have an unfortunate ‘cuppa’ and the taste experience a little disappointing and here lies the genius.

I am positive that the owner and staff would have had a chat and that a big push on the quality of hot beverages given. Possibly this needed to happen, that the feedback was fair and improvements had to be made for the drinks to improve. Possibly staff training or a review of supplier, maybe speed of service, accuracy of order even whether to accompany the beverage with one of those funny little biscuits or not. All of the above would lead to an improved outcome! THANK YOU FEEDBACK! WE ARE BETTER AS A RESULT.

Possibly it was perceived as being a very unfair review, this feedback can often cause the most reactivity. After reading the sign, I am sure that the owner and staff would have had the same conversation to ensure that the drinks were always up to scratch, remained up to scratched and continued to be up to scratch. THANK YOU FEEDBACK, YOU HAVE KEPT US AMAZING.

Nevertheless, the sign writing itself is GENIUS!!

The sign turns the negative feedback into a test, a challenge. Come in and prove the review right or wrong, it invites others come in and take up the task of making their own mind up. What is the worst that can happen? That the trip advisor reviewer was right, word gets round and less and less people visit or a smile and a departing thank you for the lovely coffee OR the challenge accepted and proven wrong! I am sure that much reference was made to the review over the counter resulting in smiles, laughs and conversation. A lovely ingredient in a café. 

How do you take your feedback?

Do you spike angrily at the slightest form of criticism? Explode at the thought anybody could possibly pick fault. Reply quickly, gloves on and ready to hastily respond.

Do you dip slowly, shutting down. Defeated and deadened by the comment. Imploding and muted. Unable to respond and the ‘coffee machine’ turned off.

Do you take on board the comments? Listen, process, digest and reflect. Do you take time to put the comments into context, get further evidence and welcome a conversation around the area under attack. Is it actually under attack? Is it fair, true and accurate feedback? Is action required for the better? Has this come at the right time? Did you always know and the fact it has been mentioned a huge relief?

Reactivity, what does yours look like?

Short fuse? Get in touch, we can lengthen it!!

Take care,



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